Time to Learn Node/ExpressJS

After receiving a frontend job, I decided I want to learn some backend development before work started. I realize there’s only so far you can go with just frontend development. Eventually you still need to store the data in the database. Therefore, I decided to go with nodejs because nodeJS is eventually javascript. Hence I can just focus on the backend concepts without need to worry about a new language syntax.

Having some prior Rails Knowledge, I have some idea what a backend language and framework need to do. Here are some concepts I listed that I need to master. (Obviously there are more, but here are some of important ones)

Concepts to master

  • basic CRUD
  • Authenticate
  • session
  • Create Apis
  • relationships with databases

Plan & Projects

My plan is to watch some youtube tutorials and conference talks. Then I’m going to start building projects. The three projects that are currently in my mind are simple blog with comment feature, shopping cart, and a chatbot. Also I going to write 15 blog posts on node.

I’m sure after these three prjects, I’ll have a pretty good understanding on Node. SO Let’s do EEET!!