Web Optimization - Image


Image optimization is very important for your web app. It accounts for more than 50% of the loading time. 47% of users expect a webpage to load in under 2 seconds, and 40% will abandon a page that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

You can also optimize your image tag and image name for better SEO performance. Here’s a infograph of how loading time affects user experience.

Kissmetrics Loading Time infographic


  1. Change name to a descriptive name rather than a generic name such as DCMIMAGE10.jpg
  2. Use alt tag for better SEO
  3. Use the right dimension (simple tip 2x the mobile display dimension to get retina result)
  4. know which file type to use png vs jpg
    PNG vs GIF vs JPG

  5. Use compression tools such as http://optimizilla.com/ and ImageOptim link to remove unnesscessary meta tags and also compress image size for web without losing much quality.

PRO TIP: As a general rule of thumb, I like my product photos to be a maximum 80-150 KB, and for large homepage hero images to be a maximum of 250-350 KB